March 1, 2021

Remote Patient Monitoring: 3 Benefits for Physicians

Carrie French
March 1, 2021
min read

With digital transformation comes a growing need to adapt. Healthcare providers are no exception. For physicians, this means considering a number of new and innovative clinical best practices—among them remote patient monitoring (RPM). This article will outline the benefits of RPM and describe why an additional clinical support team may be the solution you’ve been waiting for.

What Is Remote Patient Monitoring?

RPM is a form of technology allowing physicians to monitor patients outside a traditional clinical setting.

These settings may include the home or other remote locations. The idea is to increase access to care—and decrease healthcare delivery expenses—by allowing physicians and patients to connect digitally and perform the appropriate treatment or monitoring.

If your practice needs a full-service RPM solution, then you should consider how these items will affect your current workflow and capabilities:

  • Patient onboarding and device costs and setup
  • Vitals monitoring and patient outreach
  • Billing, compliance, and documentation
  • Deriving meaningful insights and improved patient outcomes

The benefits of RPM are expansive. They include increased financial opportunities for physicians, along with greater value for patients—who can now access the virtual oversight they’ve been waiting for.

3 Physician Benefits of a full-service Remote Patient Monitoring solution

Why should physicians integrate RPM into their clinical practice?

Here are three reasons to do so:

1.     Patients are easily identifiable as eligible.

Conditions like diabetes, hypertension, and CHF are all eligible for reimbursement. Talk to your RPM vendor about how you can identify patients and maximize the capabilities. All Medicare beneficiaries are eligible, and most commercial plans are now reimbursing for these services as well.

2.     Outsource your RPM oversight.

Most practices are not RPM experts and need guidance on how to incorporate them into their existing workflows. If you use a full-service vendor, they may charge more but you will be able to leverage the scale of a dedicated service provider that handles everything from patient outreach to documenting the time spent for billing purposes.

3.     Leverage real-time patient alerts for better outcomes.

Getting access to real-time data on your patients can help you make better clinical decisions and understand a more holistic view of your patient. Not only will you be providing your patients better tools to manage their own health, but you can also take advantage of the additional clinical staff that an RPM vendor can provide your practice.

An added bonus: With an RPM provider like Welby Health, physicians won’t face any setup fees or long-term commitments. Talk about flexibility.

RPM Done Right: Sign Up for Welby Health Today

Are you ready to make remote patient monitoring an integral part of your practice?

Welby Health can set up a full-service solution with no upfront costs to speak of—providing the technology and the clinical support team physicians need to deliver the world-class care their patients deserve.

To register for Welby Health for free, please call 888-91-WELBY or email

Visit for more information.

Carrie French
11 Jan 2022
5 min read

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